Welcome to the STETHS Class of ’83 Reunion Initiatives Web Page. We hope that this link will serve a useful role in informing members of the STETHS Class of ’83 and Alumni community about the STETHS Class Of ’83 Reunion Initiatives since the inaugural event of the of our 25th Anniversary Reunion that took place in 2008 in St. Elizabeth, Jamaica, West Indies; and the subsequent event of its kind that occurred in 2013. Now in 2023, we as members of the STETHS Class of ’83, are about to participate in the third event of its kind, which is our 40th Anniversary Reunion.
The idea of our class reunion initiatives came about in 2007 following one of our classmates, Marilyn Bennett hosting a birthday party at her home in Maryland, USA in 2007 and inviting some of us classmates to the event. Following that event, STETHS Alumni Association South Florida (STETHSAA) hosted a dinner dance event that a small core group of classmates based in the USA similarly attended. Coming out of the interest that was building and discussions that ensued amongst some of us as classmates, we formed a committee called the STETHS Class of ’83 Twenty-fifth Anniversary Reunion Planning Group that assumed the responsibility of planning the STETHS Class of ’83 25th. Anniversary Reunion Activities.
These two events were also shaped by the other alumni events that were being spearheaded primarily by STETHS Alumni USA, based in New York City and an overall capacity building process that was taking place globally with increasing internet connectivity and communications. In 2000 STETHS Alumni USA planned a Homecoming event at STETHS. This event, although small and not having the fanfare and publicity that came with other events of that nature that followed in later years, was none-the-less impactful and along with all the other events and initiatives mentioned helped to shape some of the interests and insights that were to follow, such as, the STETHS 2009 All Class Reunion and the subsequent STETHS 2011 50th Anniversary Reunion that were sponsored by STETHS Alum Corp and other stakeholders also helped to shape this writer’s, (yours truly) involvement, insights and vision for the STETHS Alumni and STETHS community as a whole.
The mission of the STETHS Class of ’83 40th Anniversary Reunion is:
It is with this in mind that we as members of STETHS Class of ’83 have embarked on launching the NEXT GENERATION SCHOLARSHIP FUND that is geared to support learning and development of selected students at STETHS who happen to face financial and social challenges.
We hope that as visitors to this site you will be informed about our plans as well as provide us with useful ideas and feedback to support our initiatives of giving back to our alma mater as we fellowship with each other and support causes such as assisting classmates who are faced with challenging life circumstances.